8 Reasons Your Brand Needs Social Media Marketing Now
It’s time you knew, what exactly your brand is losing out on…because YOU have not yet #comeonline!
“It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online.”
Jeff Bezos
The world of Social Media Marketing is seeing it most exponentially growing phases. The digital revolution is at its peak , since COVID-19 is raving- every manually led offline marketplace. Business owners, all around the world, are understanding the benefits of SMM.
Now there is no alternative to survive other than growing your business online!
Unfortunately, it took a pandemic for the world to estimate the benefits of SMM.
If you have been lately following our social media boards, you will know that our prime agenda has completely been boosting the little positivity left in the air and promoting the visions of a world that will survive this pandemic and breathe without fear again.
But blending the visions with reality, the fact stays that: even post the pandemic, the world economy will certainly take a considerable time to regain its shape. The curves have been massively downwards and to bring them up, you have to grow your business online, as businesses just have to digitize themselves ahead to be available to bag every possible purchase, irrespective of their ticket sizes.
However, keeping the pandemic and post-pandemic scene on the shelf, it is essential that we understand that even under usual circumstances, why Social Media Marketing is nothing less than a mandate when it comes to feeding your business with some truly effective growth potion.
Rather why there is no option B to chug Social Media Marketing from your businesses’ to-do-list.
1. Boosts brand engagement through exposure.
To begin with, Social Media generates the greatest amount of exposure possible for your brand and that too in the shortest span of time and in the most cost-effective way.
The marketing strategy of any reputed brand that you may name, is thus inclusive of a complete Social Media Marketing plan that ensures that every step the brand takes is being seen by its target market.
Once on social media, you can as well manage the transparency of your actionsand enhance the sense of association of your stockholders and clientele of your brand by initiating conversation with them and asking them to like, comment, share and follow.
When your first tier of contacts engages with your brand over social media, their circles and a lookalike audience would as well get notification of your brand’s progress and this keeps cyclically increasing the chances of conversion, increase in relations& sales.
2. Builds a versatile client base.
You have worked hard and built a loyal customer circle for your brand. But that does not validate your decision to stop there. The client base that you have built today will soon be mined to its best and your profits shall become stagnant.
If you are looking for growth it is necessary that apart from diversifying your products, you as well diversify your marketing strategies.
In fact, in that case, social media marketing works even better than your website might. Every social media pedestal that you put up your brand in acts as a ticket to a different set of clientele to your website.
Every different piece of content you use to promote your range of products again acts as a different bait for a diversified set of audience aiding in the conversion. This is the age of customization, and the more customer-centric your promotion, the better gains you can expect out of them.
The diversity of promotion and the demography of audiences that Social Media Marketing offers you is incomparable to any other present modes of marketing.
3. Emphasized selling potential as compared to offline.
Every element of promotion that you put up on your social media boards, be it a blog, a post, a video or a gif has its own selling value. And when compared to manual offline sales modes, each of these elements you invest in through your social marketing mix, has an accelerated potential of selling.
Manually describing each of your finite range of products, can never have an appealing impact on each mind alike, neither can it reach out to such a vast audience at a go.
Moreover, you can even regulate how many times and which particular segment of the target audience you plan to reach out to.
The catch is that, brilliantly enough, all these social media pedestals with their years of thought investment, has brought a massive worldwide population in their reach, and thus throwing your brand feeds away to these platforms will have to have people talking about it.
4. Diminishes the distances.
Once you are on social media the best thing that you have done for your brand is that you have given it a voice.
A voice with which it can speak directly to every individual client and sort their queries and assert to their reviews.
So basically, now your brand gets more humanized than ever before with its social media presence.
Imagine a scene where your clients are talking to one individual manager or executive who represents your brand when they come to you with their queries, vs, a scene where across the screen it’s cumulatively your organization or your brand that is singularly speaking to them as an existence in itself.
This as well creates a sense of being heard, which is integral in preserving brand loyalty in this highly competitive age.
Furthermore, when you are reverting to a client’s query over social media it is actually answering queries of a similar nature for several other clients at the same time making the process of dealing easier and convenient on both terminals.
Similarly, when you attend to customer complaints about social media it creates an added sense of transparency.
And that brings us to our next nailing point…
5. Pushing up the loyalty quotient (especially with your Millennial mates).
There can not be a better treat for your brand than giving it a loyal customer base that acts as your ultimate advertiser and keeps the client base growing. Social media is not just a sheer platform that helps you share the footages of your products and services and then promote them with on-the-face campaigns.
Well if you step into the shoes of your customers once you shall see how they look at your social media pedestals as service update channels that allow them an opportunity to understand your production process better and connect with you in case of any inconvenience.
Even if one sector of your product line deals with the millennials, out of all other generations, social media marketing can work wonders for your brand.
A big chunk of the market is occupied by this generation that was born between the 1980s and 2000s and a high chance that this social media led generation is going to lead your sales figures in the upcoming years, if not already.
Majority of the millennial population is inclined towards making decisions in favor of a brand that has an eminent and active presence over social media as that adds validation to your business in their eyes.
So, when you grow your business online, you allow these technology geeks the kind of communication that they can rely on.
6. Adding credibility by encouraging client participation.
“When you interact with customers on a one to one basis on social media, it makes them more loyal. Loyal customers spend more time with you, stay with you longer and tell their friends about you.”
Dan Gingiss
When all your customer conversations are taking place online, there is another way that you are enhancing customer engagement than the obvious likes, comments, and shares.
You are enabling a sense of authority for all your clients. When a brand gives each of its users a sense of empowerment by making the brand, literally, their brand that listens to them and aims to incorporate the changes in its manufacturing strategy.
It is only via social media that you can bring your clients closer to your manufacturing, service procuring and product delivery processes. What such exposure can lead to is certainly something print media can never buy for your business.
You will understand what we are trying to explain, better, once you do a little homework to visit the Twitter and LinkedIn boards of the most reputed manufacturers around you.
The insight that they are giving their customers is certainly helping them roll in the profit figures that you look forward to.
The trade game is simple here, the more you listen the better you are heard.
7. More economic than offline could ever be.
In the history of advertising, Social Media could possibly be one of the most cost-efficient marketing instruments ever.
To begin with, when you create a profile over social media the very first step is absolutely free of cost. Yes, there are no typical subscription charges, no membership fees, and no other hidden costs that usually darken the scene when you invest in most modes of offline marketing.
Furthermore, once you have created social feed elements that work for you with the help of the in-depth research, suitable content and relevant graphics with the assistance of Get You At, and we have put it up in your pages, the promotion expenses can be completely regulated all through.
And when we say completely, we mean it.
A big way to realize the massive ROI generated through social media is to understand the in-depth benefits of SMM, which is, raising brand awareness. In the market whenever anyone asks your brand, “Who are you?” your social media handles act as an ideal answer to them, their circles, and furthermore.
The chain of brand-awareness that you can begin, with just a social media profile can build you a market beyond your conscious knowledge. And all this begins with a minor cost of 75 INR a day, on Facebook.
If you have been a businessman hurdling in the toughly competitive mixed economy of India, the figure stated above must have already rung a bell in your mind.
And even if you are an entrepreneur, imagine the cost-cutting this can lead to, and with your pre-done budget that seemed microscopic to you in the past, you can now do so much more.
Thanks to these marketing genies that hide behind those little icons on your phone screens! Their potential to take your business ahead is i-n-f-i-n-i-te.
8. The Justice League to your brand’s talents.
Oyo, Ola, Swiggy, Byjus, Grofers…a few years back had you ever thought these weird words- that had no space in the most lit dictionaries- would mean a lifesaver to your everyday chores?
Irrespective of your profession, the demography you belong to, you have been made to surrender your hard-earned money to the prolific services of these innovative brands that have made a major shift in the way India works in the last few years.
The shift is revolutionary, but that’s not what we will talk about here.
Rather, what we want you to understand is the impartiality with which the most ordinary-seeming entrepreneurs have achieved their extraordinary goals through Social Media. Unlike print media, the social media pedestal has no predefined inclination towards putting the spotlight over only biggies who can afford it.
You trust your idea enough to make it life-changing for millions out there?
Social media will present you to the world in the same notification feed as it does the blackberries, and set the stage for you towards being an influencer in your respective field!
Statutory Warning: Ill developed Social Media Strategies are fatal to your brand’s health.
“Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it.”
Erin Bury
Chances are you have already left reading the blog, being woken up by the benefits of SMM and rushed to create your social media profiles. Yet for the few who are still reading, are you waiting for the right start? Or clueless if your brand will look as ideal on social media as you want it to be?
Well, being in the race, for some time now, one lesson that we would like to share with every parent of a promising brand…
The social media game is certainly profitable and one of the best instruments that can lead you to your dream turnovers with time. BUT…
A thoughtless social media marketing mix that delivers less or almost no quality and more quantity, can certainly backfire and cause your business the ultimate harm: as it shall no more stay private once on social media.
It is integral thus to choose your social media pal with equal proficiencies as you choose your company lawyer.
You are building a face for your brand. Make sure you build it with a social media marketing brand that values your decision and accelerates your reputation and does not retard it.
What are you waiting for?
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